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Monday, July 11, 2011

Things Get Complicated

So the original plan never turns out to be the final plan, well not always, not in my case.

The stage play that I wrote and am looking forward to directing was originally scheduled to go off at the end of the month on a Saturday night. That seems questionable now. We are taking steps to build a stage, create a sliding curtain, and secure the props necessary to make the play go off, but without a secure date, it's hard to instill confidence in the actors who will lead this play. That is key. You need actors who are confident not only in the material, but the way things will function. It appears to be best practice to have a back up for everything, so if you have four people moving props, find another four who can be there at the same time, just in case. It's all about contingency. And that goes for the actors and lighting. You never know if somebody's car will break down or they might have a personal crisis: A family member who ends up in the E.R. Who knows? Anything can happen, but despite this, it's important to solidify a date. You can't ask a woman out to dinner and say, "Well, I can pick you up on Tuesday, or maybe Friday instead-- no, Tuesday!"

Just like that hot date, a stage play needs a concrete date. Actors have to be notified. The lighting person. The press has to be notified. Friends. Family. Plans need to be made and as of right now, those plans are shifting every few hours.

The script is finalized, the props and stage are being worked on, but what about that date? My stage play's characters have enough dubious situations in their lives, the actors playing those characters don't need to relive the same thing. Save the drama for the stage. Save a date.

Next up, what will come of all this? We have two nights that keep shifting back and forth. It could be Wednesday, it could be Saturday. The actors are coming for a meeting in two days. I have never met them before and I am very excited to do so. But I might just be more excited about squaring away a time of day I can call home: Home for a play.

And the drama continues...

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